Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Much Ado About Conclusions

Well, classmates, this is the fifth week of the course and the final week for required posting on this blog. In a sense, it is an ending of sorts, but I have another class coming up for the next five weeks so I continue on. Likely I will convert this blog into a more personal one after some time as I have found the writing to be something theraputic. We shall see.

The idea of conclusions has abounded in other areas of life. I mentioned before a relationship that was failing and really, at this point, it has failed. I ceased to try and keep communication efforts going. I am saddened by this, but it is necessary for my own health and well being. There has been a little bit of effort from his side of things, but it is not enough. On to better and happier times!

Another conclusion is that of my former household. My last roommate moved and I believed, in error, that he was leaving on good terms. He waited just long enough to get his tax return, buy a new truck and move out-but he failed to pay up on his utilities! He was behind by a month, the current month is now behind and today I paid out over $500 for his past due bills and over $400 for the other roommate's past due bills. I am highly, but HIGHLY ticked off about this. I gave him almost a week to respond to phone calls, emails, text messages and facebook messages and he has chosen to ignore it all. So today I posted a detailed list of everything on his Facebook (hoping a little public humiliation would spur him to respond) then formed and mailed a certified letter of demand requesting he pay back the funds wasted on him. I sent the same letter to the other roommate, too, figuring might as well get her portion paid back and I am giving them 10 days to respond with an acceptable resolution. If they don't respond and attempt to resolve the matter, I have prepared the filing paperwork for small claims court.

I am not looking forward to this process, but I am eagerly anticipating the conclusion of the issue.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Much Ado about Cupcakes

The 5 week long Communications Capstone class rolls forward through week 4, in which myself and my classmates are working on reviewing and critiquing each other's blogs. 

I was a little bit apprehensive about posting reviews of my classmates' blogs as I do not feel I am in the position to be judging someone else's work or design choices being a beginner myself! 

The suggestions made for my blog were: 

1. More personal entries. 
2. More color.
3. Bigger/more readable font.

I can do all these things, with ease! With the personal entries...I hesitate, because my humor is quite off color and I tend to lose all filters when I am interacting online but I can integrate some personal things in with my school posts and I think that will help break up the dryness of the posts. On the color...I get very lost (in a good way) in playing with changing the html code around to something very personalized and I just don't have the time to really deck out the blog in the way I normally would, but I did try out another template for now. It doesn't really address the "more" color aspect, but it is different than just the all brown on brown coloring. My font choices were not well thought out at all! It was not considered and should have been. I have a bigger font in the first postings, but switch to Times New Roman and shrink it down in the last post-consistancy would be far better and more readable. 

As I work on this post I am watching Cupcake Wars on the Food Network, it is very matter who wins this show (I've seen a handful of them) I always end up wanting a cupcake at the end. The theme for this show is "I Love Lucy" and the winner gets to provide the treats for a celebration of the "I Love Lucy" show or of Lucille Ball (didn't catch the whole beginning). There is one judge that I simply cannot understand, his accent is so very thick! 

Earlier today I spent some very needed time with my best friend from high school (I swear the thick accent judge said someone's cupcake tasted "retarded"...what?!) at the movies. We chose to see a double feature, which we do often. This time we saw "This Means War" followed with "Safe House". Both movies were very good and enjoyable. They were entertaining, which is what we expected of them, nothing grand or award winning. I must say, Chris Pine in the first movie followed up by Ryan Reynolds in the second movie-yummy double feature right there. ;)

This weekend will end up being a very long weekend. The house efforts still continue. We needed my mother to get a high credit score and she achieved that yesterday so it moves along. Unless something very odd and way out in left field flies out of nowhere then we pretty much have this house. My realtor expects that we are going to be getting the documents ordered within the week and hopefully will be moving during the weekend of 24th. Hopefully!